Monday, January 20, 2014

Angora Rabbit Fur

Angora rabbits are fluffy bunnies with lots of soft fur. Some people think that the fur is so soft it belongs on themselves, not the rabbits.
Angora rabbits are cruelly killed, just to give people a fashionable look. The places are called fur farms, and this is what it looks like inside:
Instead of shearing the wool away, they will snap the rabbit's neck, or gas them so it will not bleed, then remove it by machinery. A humane way to harvest angora fur is to shear the fur off with a quiet shearer, but apparently this takes too long.

So, would you rather wear fur that wasn't yours in the first place, but was cruelly taken from a living being that owned it? I'll let you decide, but I personally would not put fashion over the life of an animal.



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